Adam was driving in a "grossly negligent manner" said the Winona Daily News. Him and another vehicle were driving at a speed of 90 mph. The other vehicle was driven by Marie Ruhoff and two of her passengers, Katie Lee Hornberg who was 14 years old, and Morgan Elizabeth Zeller who was only 13 years old. Cydney Maker, who was 12 years old, survived the crash.
I knew the girl driver of the car who died in the crash. I think it is terrible to die at such a young age. Also, all teens should know to be very careful when driving. I understand how exciting it is to get a license, but so many young adults now days die from car crashes. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of these young people whose lives were taken from them.
* Adam Greden killed 3 classmates and seriously injured another. He was charged as an "adult". And his conditions included being law-abiding and not having any unexcused absences at school. Also, he will not be allowed to drive and must complete the booking process at the Winona County Jail.
Its always hard to lose a friend, but our friends are responsible, and they know what can come of their actions. So where its still sad, they knew the risk of driving so fast.